You Are The Medicine

All of the answers you seek are within you.

It’s a matter of slowing down enough so that you can see and feel what is actually happening inside of you.

Are you ready?


Meet Phillippa

Phillippa is a Breathwork and Somatic Therapy Practitioner, and Yoga and Meditation Teacher, with over a decade of experience in holding sacred spaces.

Phillippa believes that in order to understand who we are, then we must first become highly attuned to our bodily sensations and release the grip of tension, stress and trauma from our system. Phillippa utilises various modalities to enable clients to make contact with parts of themselves that they have been avoiding or unaware of, in order to release old stories, hurts and patterns that are keeping them stuck. Once this space has been created, more love, prosperity, connection and joy can flow into life.

What would life feel like if you were free from all of the entanglements that are keeping you stuck?

Are you ready to begin?